About the Journal

Research Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed international journal in education and is the official journal of Department of Teacher Education (Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael I of Romania”  from Timisoara, Romania). As an online-only journal it is concerned with teaching and teacher education in general, and devoted to all concerned with education. RJEPSS publish theoretical and empirical papers. Papers submitted for publication to the RJEPSS must not have published, accepted for publication or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers/articles presented at a conference and not published in their entirety in the conference proceedings, may be considered for publication after further review in RJEPSS. RJEPSS publishes articles in English.


ISSN 2734 - 7966

ISSN-L 2734 – 7966


Frequency: 2 issues per year