
  • Marta BOGUSŁAWSKA-TAFELSKA Łomża State University of Applied Sciences


new paradigm, ecolinguistics, communication, manipulation, quality of communication


Invalidating and eventually marginalizing manipulation from the communication process has not been discussed so far in the linguistic research due to a lack of theoretical perspectives how to approach this possibility. Generally, both language users and linguistic scholars have succumbed to the (apparent) omnipresence of this communicative-psychological mechanism in interpersonal relations. The general ecolinguistic model of the holographic sign and the general model displayed by the multimodality communication mechanism open promising perspectives to recast the topic from the theoretical point of view. These theoretical tools enable us to investigate the possibility to minimize the actual weight of manipulative behaviours in language/communication once we decide to switch the starting-point paradigmatic platform: from the classical, formal and materialist paradigm of the mainstream linguistics, to the holistic paradigm of the expanded science. The level of quality of communication is raised as a result.


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