RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES <p><strong>Research Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences</strong> is a peer-reviewed international journal in education and is the official journal of Department of Teacher Education (Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ”King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Romania). As an online-only journal it is concerned with teaching and teacher education in general, and devoted to all concerned with education. RJEPSS publish theoretical and empirical papers. Papers submitted for publication to the RJEPSS must not have published, accepted for publication or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers/articles presented at a conference and not published in their entirety in the conference proceedings, may be considered for publication after further review in RJEPSS. <strong>RJEPSS</strong> publishes articles in <strong>English</strong>.</p> <p> </p> <p>ISSN 2734 - 7966</p> <p>ISSN-L 2734 – 7966</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Frequency</strong>: 2 issues per year</p> en-US Wed, 12 Aug 2020 07:59:40 +0300 OJS 60 FORMING HONESTY-BASED SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP TO HARMONIZE THE TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONAL DYAD <p><em>The article analyzes the phenomenon of social partnership in its broad sense. True and formal social partnerships, which correlate with beauty and selfishness in relationships, have been considered. So, true social partnership involves the beauty of relationships between individuals and social groups. Formal relationships imply the use of manipulation that, in the form of populism, covers individual and group selfishness. In this paper, we propose the idea that the beauty of relationships in the educational space is based on the formation of a new methodology, the basis of which are the principles of tolerance and synthesis, which are specified by understanding the essence of the global world.</em></p> <p><em>The beauty of relationships between a teacher and a student has been realized as a recondition and a kind of social partnership. There are several principles of communication between a teacher and a student that we would like to consider. The first one is unfruitful, when a student repeats the ideas of a teacher without developing or completing them with his/her creative findings.</em></p> <p><em>The second principle appears to be the opposite of the first one and it is also unfruitful because a student completely rejects the teacher's approach, forgetting about his/her ideas and personality. The third approach rises above the limitations of the first two and entails the beauty of relationships - a student is developing the ideas of a teacher and complementing them with new ideas and concepts.</em></p> <p><em>Gender strategies in education have been considered: masculine-subordinate, feminine-coordinate, androgynous-integral. The first two are evaluated as unfruitful, whereas the third one is seen as fruitful, which becomes the basis for constructing the beauty in the relationship between a teacher and a student.</em></p> S. A. KRYLOVA Copyright (c) 2020 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300 TOLERANCE AS THE BASIS OF EDUCATION <p><em>The article focuses on the importance of such phenomena as tolerance in education. The modern educational system is intended to create conditions for the formation of tolerant personality, including an enhanced understanding of the Other, in order to prepare students for active living in a multicultural environment. The research is grounded in the perspective of the prominent Ukrainian scientist V. Kremen (2011) that tolerance is a necessary component of the development of a society, while education is allotted the main role in its formation. Whatever meaning we may assign to the notion of tolerance – that of a dialogue of cultures or tolerance of consciousness - it is basically affirmed through the upbringing of a person, and therefore through education as a sphere that "humanizes knowledge". For the first time it has been determined that tolerance in educational processes can be manifested on the ordinary, frontier and metafrontier levels of human existence and it has its own specificity on each of them. </em></p> Raisa KUZMENKO Copyright (c) 2020 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300 A NEW PARADIGMATIC APPROACH TO GO BEYOND COMMUNICATIVE MANIPULATION: QUALITY IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION <p><em>Invalidating and eventually marginalizing manipulation from the communication process has not been discussed so far in the linguistic research due to a lack of theoretical perspectives how to approach this possibility. Generally, both language users and linguistic scholars have succumbed to the (apparent) omnipresence of this communicative-psychological mechanism in interpersonal relations. The general ecolinguistic model of the holographic sign and the general model displayed by the multimodality communication mechanism open promising perspectives to recast the topic from the theoretical point of view. These theoretical tools enable us to investigate the possibility to minimize the actual weight of manipulative behaviours in language/communication once we decide to switch the starting-point paradigmatic platform: from the classical, formal and materialist paradigm of the mainstream linguistics, to the holistic paradigm of the expanded science. The level of quality of communication is raised as a result.</em></p> Marta BOGUSŁAWSKA-TAFELSKA Copyright (c) 2020 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0300